Author: Linda


HANGING PHOTOS ~ displaying memories

If you don’t already know… I ABSOLUTELY LOVE PICTURES!!! I love creating photo albums, photo books, photo galleries. I love black & white, colored, framed, canvased, I LOVE ALL PICTURES! So, today I wanted to share some of my photo galleries that I have around my house. I use the word “gallery” very loosely because […]


A YARD STICK ~ and a rough night!

Can I just vent for a second? My day started out pretty good yesterday. I told you in an earlier post that a friend of mine (I’m going to call her Miss T) asked if I would help her decorate her home office building. Yes, it’s a separate building on her home property. It’s very […]

kitchenpantry b&a
DIY Projects, Family, Home Decor, Kitchen

THE KITCHEN PANTRY ~ the final lap!

The LOML and the fam worked diligently on the kitchen pantry yesterday! We’ve been working on the pantry for a couple of weeks now. You can read about each stage below: 1) Inspiration 2) Removing wire shelves and filling holes 3) Painting and stenciling 4) Hanging the wood shelves 5) Still hanging the shelves This weekend the LOML and Son […]