Happy Thanksgiving eve everybody! Are y’all having turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie? We sure are and I’m looking forward to feeding my family some good food!! One room that some people can do without but I cannot is the DINING ROOM I love entertaining and having large and yummy meals with family and […]
Does anyone else struggle with getting your older kids to answer your texts. It’s a big struggle in this family!! I invited two of my boys to come for Memorial Day weekend (any day) about a week ago. * CRICKETS * Then Sunday about 4:00pm Son #4 is at my door. We have nothing planned. […]
Oh boy!! Lots of tears this week!! Twenty three years of memories run through my head as I pack up each room to get ready to move to a new house that I’m excited about making our next home. As we emptied the attic and the crawl space, toys that we hadn’t seen in 15-20 […]
SUPERHEROES ~ our aging parents
“Love your parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.” –Unknown As a child, we constantly fight for independence from the people who we can’t live without. Those same people who gave us life, fed, clothed, housed, loved, taught, and disciplined us are controlling to us […]
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Day 8 ~ Watching the whales!
This is my last post about our trip to San Diego, California. The LOML and I had such a great time watching our boys play in the 2023 Ultimate Frisbee National Championship. We had fun cheering our team on, watching them play amazingly well, talking with other frisbee parents and enjoying the beautiful weather. To […]
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Day 7 ~ Seeing the seals!
WELCOME BACK TO OUR TRIP TO SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA DAY 7!!!! I took a little break from writing to enjoy my family for Thanksgiving. It was a wonderful weekend with some of my kids as we ate a lot, played a lot, and also watched “Hunger Games” and enjoyed some movie popcorn. I hope your […]