In NC, we had a little bit of wintery weather (1-2 inches) and, of course, the whole state closed down! Don’t laugh at us you Northerners. We get scared when there’s a threat of snow….any snow. We’re not equipped for it so we just close down! While we stay home and stay off the roads, […]
Home Decor
MERRY CHRISTMAS ~ In our new home!
Merry Christmas Lovely People!! My number of views has increased a bunch in the last few weeks. Welcome and thank you for coming to visit my blog. I hope you are inspired and enjoy what you see and read and PLEASE come back as often as you’d like. I love decorating my new house and […]
THE DINING ROOM ~ Getting ready for Turkey Day!
Happy Thanksgiving eve everybody! Are y’all having turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie? We sure are and I’m looking forward to feeding my family some good food!! One room that some people can do without but I cannot is the DINING ROOM I love entertaining and having large and yummy meals with family and […]
THE MASTER BEDROOM ~ Our happy place
We’re loving our new home!! We’ve been in it for about 8 months and we’re getting used to all the new and different things about this house. The house is more rural than our previous house so we must drive farther to get to places ~ family, grocery stores, Lowe’s Home Improvement, the LOML’s job. […]
THE KITCHEN ~ Where all the fun begins!
*Affiliate links included* When the LOML (love of my life) found our present neighborhood on Redfin about a year ago, the builder had four spec homes that were already finished and all had different floor plans. There were two floor plans I really liked. One had a kitchen island that I would have died […]
*Affiliate Links Included* Decorating a new space brings me such happiness!! Sharing it with y’all also brings me happiness!! I hope you get some helpful ideas to do in your own spaces. If you’ve followed my blog for any amount of time, you probably know I LOVE painting everything around me. Well, this dresser […]