The LOML and the fam worked diligently on the kitchen pantry yesterday! We’ve been working on the pantry for a couple of weeks now. You can read about each stage below: 1) Inspiration 2) Removing wire shelves and filling holes 3) Painting and stenciling 4) Hanging the wood shelves 5) Still hanging the shelves This weekend the LOML and Son […]
Home Decor
THE KITCHEN IS COMPLETE ~but is it really ever done?
BEFORE I REVEAL THE FINISHED KITCHEN… A little history. When I started this blog, my plan was to tell our story of how we staged the house to put it on the market to sell. We had a very nice stager walk through our house and tell us what to put away, what colors to […]
I HEART VALENTINE’S DAY~ and happy birthday LOML
I have finally gotten around to decorating for Valentine’s Day….or the LOML’s birthday. What a GREAT birthday! Can you imagine everyone celebrating your birthday by giving candy. And I decorate the house for him! Heck of a wife I am! Here are a few of my pretties Easy Sneezy!! I cut out four hearts from […]
RECAP ~ Many projects in the making!
I wanted to catch you up on what we’ve been doing the past few weeks. #1 Remember all the yardwork we did a few weeks ago? Look what’s happening outside: BEFORE AFTER You can see the whole awful day here. #2 Remember I hated painting over my blue dining room? Look what’s happening […]
THE BEAUTIFUL OUTDOORS ~ and a thunderstorm acomin’
We spent the whole weekend outside tilling our yard. The LOML and I have had a running disagreement about Fescue (cool weather grass) or Zoysia (warm weather grass). I don’t like brown grass. I JUST DON’T LIKE IT!!! But the LOML says you can either have brown grass in the winter or the summer because […]
We have been in our present home for ten years. I REALLY want to move into a new (or old) house so I can start fresh with new decorating ideas …. and we’d like a little bit more land. So now we’re in the process of staging our house so people will just fall in […]