“Love your parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.” –Unknown As a child, we constantly fight for independence from the people who we can’t live without. Those same people who gave us life, fed, clothed, housed, loved, taught, and disciplined us are controlling to us […]
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SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Day 8 ~ Watching the whales!
This is my last post about our trip to San Diego, California. The LOML and I had such a great time watching our boys play in the 2023 Ultimate Frisbee National Championship. We had fun cheering our team on, watching them play amazingly well, talking with other frisbee parents and enjoying the beautiful weather. To […]
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Day 7 ~ Seeing the seals!
WELCOME BACK TO OUR TRIP TO SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA DAY 7!!!! I took a little break from writing to enjoy my family for Thanksgiving. It was a wonderful weekend with some of my kids as we ate a lot, played a lot, and also watched “Hunger Games” and enjoyed some movie popcorn. I hope your […]
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Day 6 ~ Championship Sunday
Welcome to our visit to San Diego, California Day 6! We plan on going to the Ultimate Frisbee National Championship later today but until that time we planned on having some good food and see some beautiful scenery! We checked out of our hotel because we were moving to another hotel right on the beach […]
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Day 5 ~ the most beautiful weather
Welcome to San Diego, California! We are really enjoying our time out here as we cheer on our boys at the USA Ultimate Club Championships and do a little sight seeing in this beautiful city. The boys had one game this morning playing for 11th place. It was a beautiful morning for some frisbee!! […]
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Day 4 ~ more frisbee
Hello everybody and welcome to another day in San Diego! Another day of frisbee watching, cheering, yelling, etc. It was a beautiful day in San Diego for some ultimate frisbee. I was told that San Diego has the perfect weather. They were not lying!! It’s not too hot, no humidity, a nice cool breeze […]