SWEDISH MEATBALLS ~ dinner anyone?

I want to share a great recipe that a dear friend brought to a graduation party I threw a few years back. I remember people standing by the crock pot eating these by the plateful!!




One bag frozen meatballs

One jar Chili Sauce

One jar grape jelly

Combine all ingredients in a crockpot and cook on low for 6-8 hours.

I serve over egg noodles (cook as directed on package)



And I really mean sneezy around here. I don't know what it's like where you are but the pollen here in North Carolina is abundant!! My blue truck has a thick layer of yellow all over it. My nose is running or clogged all the time. I'm either popping Allegra D or Benadryl. I'm desperate when I whip out the Benadryl because I'm a cheap druggy! One dose of that stuff and I'm unconscious for a few hours. I don't have time to be unconscious so I'm looking forward to saying BYE BYE pollen!!


When I wasn't sleeping this weekend, the LOML and I worked on our tv niche/mantle project.




We removed the television, DVD, DVR, and all the goodies that come with those initials. I also removed about 4 pounds of dust bunnies. I think some of them had personalities, they were so BIG!!




We removed the box that held the television. It was a lot easier than we thought it would be. It wasn't attached to anything so we could just pick it up. We thought we'd be ripping nails out. We did get to do some demolition. We removed the trim around the niche. That was fun.



Then we attached 2X4s along each side along with a cross in the middle to attach the drywall to. We recessed it about 1/2 an inch in to make room for the drywall to be flush with the wall.



Next, we'll hang drywall, mud, tape, and paint and we'll be GOLDEN! Then we get to work on the mantel!


Hope y'all are enjoying the spring weather wherever you are!




Love y’all,
