Tag: apple green accents

Fall, Home Decor


I’m lovin’ the cool brisk air and the pretty leaves fallin’ here in North Carolina! Autumn is one of my favorite seasons….it’s a competition between it and spring. One is like a cleansing ~ everything is going to sleep for the winter and the other is the promise of a fresh new beginning. Here’s a […]



    Guess where I went shopping yesterday?? Oh yea!! Usually when I go to Hobby Lobby, I have a long list of items I want to purchase. But this time I just wanted to browse with my sweet friend, then eat some lunch and just spend some time enjoying each other's company. When you […]


WINDOW DRESSINGS ~ for the kitchen

I’ve been keeping my eyes out for a curtain that would fit beautifully in my new bright green kitchen. So far NO LUCK! I saw these roman shades on Pinterest and fell in love Source: BHG The LOML and I were walking through Walmart looking for GREEN accent pieces for the kitchen. I found these cute […]