THE FAMILY ROOM ~ It’s all about my family!

In NC, we had a little bit of wintery weather (1-2 inches) and, of course, the whole state closed down! Don’t laugh at us you Northerners. We get scared when there’s a threat of snow….any snow. We’re not equipped for it so we just close down!

While we stay home and stay off the roads, the LOML works from home and I’m cuddled on the couch with a warm blanket and my dogs. I just love it!

Our new family room is smaller than our old family room so we had to get rid of some furniture and we gained the piano from our old living room. The chair and a half is Daughter #2’s chair which she calls “her throne.”

new family room

new family room

I centered the Hobby Lobby wall clock over the piano which left a whole half a wall that I needed to fill. I found this beautiful vinyl bible verse which ties in with the clock.

We don’t have a living room in our new house. We have our white couch, love seat, and chair and a half. We have the same leather ottoman and we placed a sofa table behind the couch to hold lamps and a family picture. Hello Jules (my puppy!).

new family room

new family room

I love these lamps I found at Carolina Pottery. They add color and pattern. I think they go really well with the new blue curtains.

I had fun decorating the built-in bookcases that surround the fireplace and television.

new family room

new family room

The thick mantel above the fireplace is slightly hidden behind the tv.

new family room

When we first moved into our new home, we thought the tv was too high to watch comfortably so we bought a television arm that can lower the television. When we are not watching, we raise the tv so the mantel can be seen.

For Christmas, we attached a curtain rod to the front of the mantel to hang the Christmas stockings.

Christmas 2024

We left the curtain rod attached to the mantel but how can I decorate it??? I bought a two pack of faux rose vines and I wrapped them around the rod. I like how it looks.

Because we don’t have an eat-in kitchen any more, I bought this table from Wayfair so someone can sit and eat while watching the television. It also has outlets for computer cables so a computer can be used or a phone can be charged.

new family room

new family room

For the LOML’s birthday (Valentine’s Day), the family went out to dinner at a new Mexican restaurant, then came home for some fun game night. We all sat around the ottoman and played games and talked and ate blueberry muffins (the LOML’s request instead of birthday cake). The LOML’s heart was full with everyone home!!

new family room

new family room

new family room

new family room

We spend most of our time in this comfy room and I just love all the blue accents!!

Hope you enjoyed my family room pictures. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Also, please fill out your e-mail address in the side bar so you can get my posts right away. And thanks again for visiting!!

Love y’all,
